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Max Gluckman

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 8 months ago


Max Gluckman


(January 26, 1911- April 13, 1975)

British social anthropologist

  • Aquarius
  • Strengths: founded the Manchester school of thought, gave radio lectures on “Custom and Conflict in Africa” that provided strong support for conflict theory, was direct and aggressive in expressing his politic views, especially concerning anti-colonialism, took a structural-functionalist approach to apartheid, arguing that apartheid in South Africa actually served to hold the community in balance.
  • Weaknesses: eyebrows could use some work, some of his more Marx-inspired ideas were on the radical side.
  • Max Gluckman trivia:
    • Born in South Africa.
    • Rhodes Scholarship recipient.
    • Graduated from Exeter College.
    • His first name is really Herman.
    • Conducted fieldwork in Zululand from 1936-1938.




Selected Works:

1940 Analysis of a Social Situation in Modern Zululand. Bantu Studies. 14:1-30.


1955 Custom and conflict in Africa.


1963 Order and Rebellion in Tribal Africa. London: Cohen and West.






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